Monday, September 17, 2012

River of News 1.6.1 submitted

I've received a few reports of crashing and stalling in loading feeds. I still don't have a great handle on the problem because neither I nor anyone on my beta team has experienced the issue.

I identified a possible cause and fixed it as well as putting in better crash logging so that I can diagnose problems like this in the future. I'm sorry that it's been frustrating for some people. I try hard not to let that happen.

Version 1.6.1 has been submitted to Apple and awaits the blessing of their app reviewing elves.

Friday, September 7, 2012

River of News 1.6 is in the App Store

Thanks, everyone, for the support and kind words.

Release notes:

✭ Press the couch icon or two-finger tap an article to convert it to Readability view. This works even for feeds with partial text! 

✭ New sharing services Readability and Diigo. 

✭ New preferences in the app. Choose your font, change title sizes and be sure to try out the gestures. 

✭ Bugs were harmed in the production of this release. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


River of News 1.6 has been submitted to Apple for review. This part of the process is so aggravating but it is what it is. Reviews are averaging 10 days. In the meantime, here is a screenshot to whet your appetite.