These are screen shots from the unfinished app. They are not pixel perfect (Ragnar is cringing) but will give you a feel for where the app is going.
Beta Testers
I'm expanding my team of smart and shockingly handsome beta testers. I'd had bad luck with people signing up and then disappearing. This is a problem because Apple only lets developers install software on a limited number of iOS devices. If I assign one of my slots to a device, it's locked for up to a year. I'm running low on open slots and I need a high percentage of active participants from this round of sign-ups.
looking for people who access Google Reader from their iPhone or iPod
Touch running iOS6. Your device has iOS6 on it if you have Apple Maps
instead of Google Maps as the built-in mapping app.
- You love River of News for the iPad and can't wait to use it on the iPhone.
- You're opinionated and you wish app developers would listen to you because you have great ideas.
- You're like me and you have an insatiable curiosity to know how the sausage is made.
- You want to support an independent developer. You don't want the same four companies to make all of the software you use.
- You want a free copy of the app when it's released.
Reasons you might not want to beta test
- You don't have time to deal with an app that has bugs.
- You're too shy or busy to send emails giving feedback about what you like and don't like.
- You hardly ever use Google Reader or your iPhone or the two of them together.
- You would rate every app as 1 star or 5 stars with nothing in-between.
If you'd like to beta test, I ask that you complete a short survey. I'm sorry to make you jump through hoops but I can't invite everyone so I need to gather the best group I can. I'll collect responses through the weekend and send out invites early next week.
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